All About SMO 254 Round Bars

All About SMO 254 Round Bars

What are the SMO 254 Round Bars?

The 254 SMO Round Bar is made of austenitic stainless steel. These bars have excellent nickel, chromium, and molybdenum chemical makeup. As a result, these bars are resistant to oxidation and all types of corrosion. The mechanical qualities of the SMO 254 Round Bar are excellent.

The minimum tensile strength of these bars is 650Mpa, while the minimum yield strength is 300Mpa. All of these bars may be extended by 35%. SMO 254 Bars are frequently utilized in petrochemicals, offshore drilling, pharmaceutical industries, and chemical industries, among other things. This stainless steel grade was created for usage in seawater and other chloride-containing conditions.

A high pitting resistance value denotes that the stainless steel grade is resistant to localized corrosion such as pitting. Because of its superior strength when compared to other typical austenitic stainless steel grades, stainless steel is regarded as a very high-end grade. The 6mo UNS S31254 Bar offers good weldability.

Properties of SMO 254 Round Bars

Alloy 254 SMO Bar, like regular austenitic stainless steel grades, has 19.5% to 20.5%chromium, 17.5% to 18.5% nickel, and 6% to 6.5% molybdenum. However, unlike conventional austenitic stainless steel grades, ASTM A479 UNS S31254 includes between 0.18 and 0.22% nitrogen. The SMO 254 Welding Rod’s chemical makeup of Chromium, Nickel, Molybdenum, and Nitrogen in its ultra-austenitic 1.4547 Round Bar allows it to combine impact toughness resistance to corrosion cracking with pitting and crevice corrosion resistance. As a result, the 254 SMO Rod has approximately double the strength of 300 series stainless steel.

Due to the obvious molybdenum concentration, the UNS S31254 or SMO 254 Round Bar is commonly referred to as a “6% Moly” grade. Under volatile situations, the 254 SMO Round Bar can resist high temperatures while maintaining its high strength. This grade is effectively employed in a variety of applications, including flue gas desulfurization and chemical conditions.

Applications of SMO 254 Round Bars

Chemical processing equipment, Flue gas desulfurization scrubbers, Desalination equipment, Seawater handling equipment, Food processing equipment, Heat exchangers, Hydrometallurgy, Pulp mill bleach systems, Tall oil distillation columns and equipment, and Oil and gas production equipment are some of the other applications for the 6mo UNS S31254 Bar.

Overall, UNS S31254 bars have gotten good enough in terms of possessing all the spectacular features that have made them popular. Good dimensional accuracy, stress corrosion cracking resistance, hardness, flexibility, durability, and lifespan are among them. They are also resistant to abrasion, general corrosion, pitting, crevice corrosion, erosion, and oxidation. Its ability to withstand enormous loads and its high-temperature environment make it an excellent choice for demanding applications.

All About SMO 254 Round Bars

by Skytech Rolling Mill time to read: 2 min