How Do 347 Round Bar Gain Popularity?

How Do 347 Round Bar Gain Popularity?

Steel manufacturing is constantly evolving, and with it comes a wide range of versatile products designed for different applications. One such product that has gained immense popularity in recent years is the 347 round bar. This particular product is highly sought after for its excellent corrosion resistance properties, high temperature strength and durability, and superior weldability. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at how the 347 round bar gained popularity and why it’s now regarded as a crucial component in many industrial applications.

What is 347 Round Bar?

347 Round Bar is a heat-resistant stainless steel alloy of chromium, nickel, and carbon. It offers superior corrosion resistance at high temperatures up to 1600°F (871°C). This type of metal is ideal for applications that require strength at elevated temperatures, such as boiler parts, furnace parts or even petrochemical processing equipment. Its oxidation resistance allows it to remain durable in extreme conditions.

How 347 Round Bar Gained Popularity?

Versatility and Durability

One of the primary factors that have contributed to the popularity of the 347 round bar is its versatility and durability. This product is designed to withstand extreme temperatures and corrosion, and as such, it can be used in a wide range of industrial applications, including the petrochemical industry, oil and gas, and even the pharmaceutical industry. Additionally, the 347 round bar is highly durable and capable of withstanding heavy loads and constant use, making it an excellent choice for mechanical components.


Another reason why the 347 round bar has become so popular is due to its cost-effectiveness. Compared to other similar materials, such as titanium and nickel alloys, the 347 round bar is priced much lower, making it an attractive option for manufacturers looking to reduce production costs. However, despite its lower cost, the 347 round bar still offers excellent performance properties, which makes it a popular choice for a wide range of applications.

Corrosion Resistance

One of the most significant advantages of 347 round bars is their excellent corrosion resistance properties. This material is designed to resist corrosion even in harsh, corrosive environments, which makes it perfect for chemical and pharmaceutical processing. Its corrosion resistance makes it an ideal choice for saltwater exposure applications, making it popular in the marine sector.

Weldability and Machinability

Lastly, the 347 round bar is highly weldable, which makes it an attractive option for mechanical components that require welding. This material does not require any pre-welding treatment, so it can be welded easily without encountering any issues. Furthermore, the 347 round bar is also highly machinable, which makes it easy to shape or modify to suit different requirements.


In conclusion, the popularity of 347 round bars can be attributed to various factors, including their versatility, durability, corrosion resistance, cost-effectiveness, weldability, and machinability. These properties have made it an attractive option for various industrial applications, including petrochemical, oil and gas, and pharmaceuticals. As such, it’s safe to say that the 347 round bar will continue to gain popularity in the coming years as manufacturers seek high-performance, cost-effective, and durable materials for their production processes.

How Do 347 Round Bar Gain Popularity?

by Skytech Rolling Mill time to read: 2 min